Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chop Chop!!

Well, here we are again: another three years has passed and I cut off another foot of hair for donation. I am too lazy to go to the hairdresser, so my hair keeps growing longer and longer. Cute kitten is a bonus in this new short hair shot!

We've also had lots of tree work done recently. Today a friend came over to chop down the weeds, which you can see here, are taller than a human.

The backyard is so nice and clear. We need to burn the wood piles this week, and then we'll be ready for discing and putting in the pasture next weekend!

Three cheers for fresh looks!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fifth Birthday Love

A number of years ago, my mother handed me a stack of mail that I had received for my 5th birthday. I was so overwhelmed by the loving and sweet words from friends and relatives that I made a vow to do better remembering and cherishing the people important to me. (My follow-through is underwhelming; apologies to all who should be honored better by me.)

As it turns out, I also received a Knitting Nancy from my Godmother that year, thus launching my knitting career. The Knitting Nancy has enjoyed cameos on this blog here and here.

Coincidentally, I became aware of two new picture books featuring knitting this year. In addition, a nephew and a niece turn FIVE today, and both love to work with their hands. So I had decided to make a crafty/reading birthday for them. I hope it is a special, filled with great people and memories as mine was!

For my niece, I got "A Hat For Mrs. Goldman," pom pom makers, and some fun yarn. The little girl in the book assists Mrs. Goldman's hat-knitting by making the pom poms for the top of each hat. There is more to the story, but I won't ruin it for those of you wanting to read it yourselves.

I gave the gift early, during our family vacation, and we learned how to make pom poms on a sunny afternoon. I wasn't sure if she was that thrilled with it after making one.

But a few days after vacation, I got this picture in a text! She was making a bunch for her cat at home!

"Argyle Fox" is a book about a playful boy fox who has trouble having fun on a windy day. He solves his problem with a craft project that includes knitting. Again, I won't give any spoilers! To go with this book, my nephew also received his own Knitting Nancy and lots of yarn scraps from my collection.

Here we are trying to master this fine art! Notice I found a zoom feature in my photo editing to check out the detail of the hands at work.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear new 5-year-olds! Here's to books, and crafts, and lots of loving from your Auntie E and Unc!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

I Was Enabled, I Promise...

Forgot to post this lovely skein of yarn while still in Vermont.

I had a souvenir yarn rule: one skein, or if I actually had a project, enough for the project. The Farmer had another idea: you can get souvenir yarn in every town!

How does one resist more ultra-soft, locally produced yarn from a shop named The Whipple Tree in Woodstock, VT? Well, it looks like I need to knit a second hat! Or some mitts… Thanks, Farmer!

Yarn is Corriedale and Cormo blend in a natural white from Savage Hart Farm, 137 yards in DK weight (2oz) from this year. You can find their farm blog here.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

China Cat Sunflower

A week ago Wednesday, we had a very violent early evening thunderstorm in the neighborhood. It cleared up after dinner, so I decided to take my semi-regular walk. About a half mile away from home, I suddenly hear the tiniest and most urgent set of meows I have ever heard, and out of the tall grass in the ditch emerges one of the smallest kittens I have ever met. To avoid stepping on the kitten's head (and honestly trying to discourage the kitten from following me home), I ran all the way home. Alas, kitty cat has a relentless bounding stride and even the last steep hill on the driveway did not deter it.  Both The Farmer and I said, "We cannot have a cat right now." But then this happened the next morning:

Hanging out… looking forlorn.
Hello? (Getting curious…)
Hmmm, smells pretty good! (Cat liked the alpaca poo stench, apparently!)
Put your phone down and pet me-ow!!!
Never mind, I think I'll lurk around the deck.
Wait, didn't you give me some milk last night?
Must! Climb! On! Your! Neck!

Ladies, and gentlemen, The Farmer ended up taking the cat to the vet instead of the pound. Meet China Cat Sunflower, who loves to cuddle, meow, play, and climb anything you let him. We are letting him get a little bigger before unleashing him on the mice and the chipmunks in the barn. In the meantime, he is keeping us entertained!