Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Frames for Sock Art

As you may know, my mother is an avid sock knitter. I have at least 25 pairs. So naturally I need a venue to give them a proper showing. Fortunately Dansko makes these amazing clogs: 

They are called Makenna, and when I went to my favorite shoe store, they were the only ones they had in my size. In other words, they had my name written all over them.

I might buy a few extra pairs, just in case Dansko stops making this style.

And call my mom with a wish list full of fantastic socks.

Monday, November 28, 2016


It will be a few more weeks before I can muster enough time and energy for another Peru post. Instead, I give you Uncle Milty:
Milty was ironically named last June before anyone could guess that he was a rooster!

He presides over his flock, Apollo and Jackie-O. Who knows which one is which...

...Unless you want to wait around to see which one lays which colored egg!
They are champion layers. I appreciate the plethora of cute tiny eggs for winter baking!