Saturday, March 17, 2012

2012 Garden Journal #2

Signs of life are surging through my garden and yard. It looks like parts of the lawn already needs mowing. The gooseberries (below) are starting to show leaf, as are plum and apple trees.

Pretty bulbs are sprouting in all the usual spots. I also noticed lots of little seed sprouts in this bed. I am hoping for lettuce that re-seeded itself, but I fear that the marigolds also re-seeded themselves. Some lettuce came up last Fall after the rains, so those seeds may be gone already.

Here are some notes, observations, and photos from a few other days I spent in the yard.
3/7 Radishes appeared; Raked leaves around apple tree and put in raised bed
3/10 - Hauled old hay/straw from barn to garden. Contemplating potato patch, or more serious composting.

3/11 - planted peas and mesclun mix in raised bed that also has strawberry plants. Saw giant (pregnant??) rabbit and fear that without protection, this product will not survive to maturity.

3/15 - harvested the rest of the mache (it was beginning to shoot) and turnips; Mesclun mix is sprouting!

3/17 - no gardening done today, but the peas are also showing signs of life

Joining up with Ginny today.

1 comment:

  1. Danke fuer deinen lieben Kommentar! Bei dir im Garten tut sich auch schon einiges, warst ganz schoen fleissig. :-)
