Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day Yarn Along

Snow Day #7 for 2014 gives me an opportunity to update the blog and participate in Ginny's Yarn Along today. I am three rows away from finishing my Omelet Shawl, and most importantly, only have one more line of lace knitting on the pattern to go! Someone please stop me if I start talking about knitting lace again anytime in the next 5 years. I am ready for making something a little more mindless!
There is not too much book reading going on right now, as I have to seriously study these music scores (as well as several others) for upcoming performances. Hearing the music instead of words while I create rehearsal plans is pretty cool though. Today is perfect for getting my music geek on!
It wouldn't be a proper snow day without some snowshoeing. I had to dig out my car at the end of the driveway so we could get plowed out, and ended up taking a stroll around the neighborhood after I was finished. What a perfect little diversion!

Tenny, guarding her alpaca charges... Actually, she just wanted a hug.
Stay warm, safe, and may your spirit stay positive. Happy Winter!


  1. Your lace looks exquisite! I can well imagine it takes a lot of concentration. At the moment, I'm just knitting a simple garter chevron pattern and find I need to count carefully! The music preparation sounds like a lot of work - but lovely too. Enjoy your snow day.

  2. What beautiful lace! I can see why you'd want a break from it though! It's going to look gorgeous when it's finished, I've loved that pattern for ages
