I just soaked and blocked the little sweater I was working on last week. Only drying and button sewing remains on this Elizabeth Zimmerman February Baby Sweater. Unfortunately, I did make a bigger error by not picking up stitches under the arms in the body, making this sweater a little smaller than its twin. Oh well, maybe the twins who will wear it will also be of different sizes when the weather turns chilly.
Last week we met some family in Cooperstown, NY. One of the places we visited was the Farmers Museum. I couldn't resist picking up some souvenir yarn made from the museum's own herd of Merino cross sheep. It is dyed with cochenial. I am normally not a "pink" person, but this color spoke to me. A hat for a niece or two. Maybe I'll design a pattern...
My "reading" this week has consisted mostly of the Serial podcast. I know it was really popular, and if you haven't listened yet, I guarantee a fascinating true story. After episode 9 yesterday, I had to take a break. I couldn't stop the waves of empathy for all the people involved, who are all still very much alive today. What a crazy ordeal to go through... I will probably be finished by tomorrow.
Joining Ginny here: http://www.gsheller.com/2015/06/yarn-along-233.html
The sweater is very sweet, and I love the yarn too. Both are lovely colours.