Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Sweet Dreams, Dreamy Girl

The good-byes never get any easier, especially when you have to say farewell to the last alpaca of the foundation herd. Moonstar lived with us nearly 13 years and was the dreamiest of the bunch. 

She would wander around during feeding time while the other girls literally gobbled grain. Instead, she would go outside and sniff around, or discover that there was HAY! (The hay is always available…) Many good laughs about this behavior!

She had many sisters and nieces/nephews over the years (Greta, Bella, Dark Star, Cassidy, The Eleven, Ripple), but with Peggy-O and Cherise, she was the most chill and seemed content. 

But even the most docile creature sometimes gets a shot at the throne. It seems that she rose to the top of the hierarchy in her last year. She was definitely much more aggressive about getting the grain, as she is being held off by a cane so the others can eat here!

Days of snacking on the lawn were everyone’s favorite-yum!

Our sweet Moonstar did not do well in the chute while being sheared this spring, so we had to bring her to the Purdue farm hospital (in the Impreza, as that’s now a thing…). She tried to cush in the chute, and we think it pinched a nerve or over stretched her neck, rendering her front legs immobile. 

The team had to lift her into the building on her blanket. After several days in the hospital and some good improvements, she suddenly collapsed from sepsis. 

We will miss her dreamy antics and remember her gentle presence with great fondness. Sweet dreams, Moonstar. 

Moonstar: May 2009 - June 13, 2023


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