Friday, February 27, 2009

Minor Miracles

Miracle #1: I actually managed to post on the blog TWICE in one month! I may be getting the hang of this after all.

Miracle #2: I finished off a sweater that I thought would be my first incomplete knit object in my adult knitting life. I was so excited that I had to share before blocking. :o)

It sure took a long time and provided plenty of challenge. The first challenge was not liking the colors. My husband helpfully nicknamed this sweater the "Beach Blanket." I don't think it was a compliment. The second challenge was that the wool is very fine and that takes a long time to knit and sew up seams. And finally, all those stripes and my 2006 rookie knowledge provided endless sewing in of ends. I should have carried more of the color up the sides and knit in the round. There are plenty of visible mistakes. Like how I didn't know how to pick up stitches around the collar. (I have learned the proper way to do such a thing since then.)

The yarn was left over from a previous jacket project for two nieces in which I knit all three colors together. Knit together the colors looked a lot more cohesive, especially modeled by these cuties!

The facts:
Pattern - From an Anny Blatt book for kids
Size - 9-12 months
Yarn - Knit Picks Pallette, cream, hot pink, gray
Needles - size 3, metal circular
Begin - December 27, 2006
End - February 26, 2009

Originally I thought that I would donate this sweater, but recent pregnancy announcements amongst siblings and cousins make me think that I might want to hang on to it for a while and gift it... Here are Nephews #3 & 4 "helping" Auntie E knit the sleeves last summer. Perhaps a little sister would like to wear this in a few months??

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