Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Year-End Alpaca Gifts

At the end of the school year, students are likely to show up with extraordinary alpaca-related thank you gifts. This year was no exception.

The first gift was from a senior whose grandmother crocheted this beautiful set of alpacas for me! They remind me of the late Moonstar and her younger "nephew" Dark Star. This student is far from forgettable, but this pair seals the memory forever. 

The second gift was from a new 6th grade violist. During her recess hour, she learned quilling and decided to make an alpaca. Derpy is clearly another Moonstar reference, as I'm sure I told stories in class! Although "Zazzy" brings to mind the Big Bang Theory episode in which Sheldon gets too many cats, names them after famous scientists, except for the one that has a "zazzy" personality!

Here is a detail of the quilling. So much work! Lovely.

Finally, my birthday is close to the end of school and my mother-in-law found these amazing llama/alpaca slippers at LL Beans and got them for me as a gift. I saw her the day after school let out, so it also felt like a year-end gift. They have been super comfy to lounge in during summer break!

 Summer is crashing to a close at the moment, but big thank you's for all the thoughtful gifts!

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