Sunday, March 14, 2021

Just... DONE

The year of COVID finished as it began: writing a giant paper that seemed like it was "a good idea at the time." Last year, my school had just closed for a month, the judging I was supposed to do was canceled, and I had the whole weekend to finish writing two book chapters that will be coming out later this spring. This past week was Spring Break, but I used it to write a mammoth paper for a class that I was interested in taking. Both writing assignments were torture and took way too much time, but since they're in the rear view mirror now, I am super pleased with myself. ***sigh*** I see a pattern...

In between sentences, I finished knitting the last few inches of another Done by Monday blanket and sewing in the ends. It feels good to have something solid finished as well as turning in that paper!

Pattern: Afghan #10 from Done by Monday, JoAnne Turcotte

Needles: Size 13

Yarn: Handspun by Anne Cohee, 12 skeins, knit holding yarn doubled

Start: July 1, 2017

Finish: March 14, 2021

The blanket was started right before two friends had their wedding reception. (They secretly eloped six months earlier and didn't tell anyone for a few months!!!) They asked for no gifts, but I hope they won't mind getting a late cream-colored blanket for their turquoise couch. It's squishy, warm, and comfortable. 

 Everyone, including me, feels so done with this pandemic. Hold on and stay strong, friends! I'm staying out of reach as much as possible until my second vaccine shot is in my arm and two weeks has passed. I'll be continuing to wear my mask. We can do this! Send me a message if you need some Zoom time to get through another day. Much love and kindness to you!