Emily Dickenson nailed that quote, I'd say. My life feels like it is in the middle of a big stall. I have plenty to do, many responsibilities to take care of, and time actually does exists to accomplish the tasks at hand. Yet somehow I find myself frittering away the time in the most inconsequential ways. So naturally, it appears that I need to start a new project. Because a striped sweater with remnant yarn from the Painted Bricks Cowl was something I dreamed of for the last year. The Flax sweater has been in my Ravelry queue since last January. But I felt so guilty starting yet another big project when there were so many other things to do, starting with four unfinished knits.

So I decided to test the theory and lined up my yarn in the order I wanted to knit it, very mindful that I might be trading one time-frittering strategy for another. The colors remind me of a sweater I had on my Sears catalog wish list in the 80's. Retro-chic for the win. And then Friday night I cast on...
Saturday was spent mostly knitting, and I got a decent chunk of the yoke finished. It is a DELIGHT to sit and churn through these rows! Let's not forget that I like to knit while my husband watches TV that I don't really care about. The pattern offers just enough to keep me interested, but also lets me drift into another sphere of attention if there is a good commercial on. Looks like the heart wanted a sweater, and it is now getting that new sweater.
And... I have "help"... HAHA! China Cat is mostly interested in sitting on my lap sleeping, but we did enjoy some "recreation" while I was measuring the progress.
Today I made a concerted effort to knit AND do some of things on the to-do list. But I flipped that list idea. Instead of making a to-do list, I made a DONE list as I was finishing each item. I have two big things to finish this evening/tomorrow morning, but there are 11 items on the DONE list. Listening to my heart may have just broken the spell on my procrastination. I'll keep you posted.
Stay safe, friends! Go do something that your heart wishes you would. :-)