There were also happy surprises that involved finding a PLETHORA of fruit trees on the property. At least 3 crab apple (nice size fruit), three regular apples that are yellow and red, and a mini plum tree that features very sour fruit. There is plenty of applesauce up in this tree! The pie I already made was delicious!
There are also several wild spots on the property that need addressing. Very pretty, but not very functional.
So we went to the Small Engine Warehouse to rent this tough guy: Billy Goat (Gruff)!
At times, we were hoping the Billy Goat would be tougher... That brush was super high after a rainy summer.
The Result:
And now why would we be clearing all this land? Someone has a new hobby desire: raising a few alpacas. As as fiber enthusiast, I could not be more thrilled with my husband's choice! Here are a few pictures of the Suri breed at an alpaca farm we visited last Saturday.
How can you resist something so CUTE!!!
Happy Knitting, alpaca style! (Hummmmmm!)