Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Friends

We welcomed two chickens to the farm the day before Thanksgiving, Heinrich and Athena. (No, don't let the names fool you, no rooster in the mix. This is what happens when the Farmer and the nephews put their heads together - unforgetable!)
They are about 6 months old and could possibly start laying eggs any day, but there is probably not enough daylight right now. We will patiently wait until Spring! In the mean time, they have been good company while working in the garden... before the snow hit.
We have not given them too much free range yet. They seemed to enjoy their freedom a little too much. We had to chase Athena out of the woods at the end of this session. Their little urban coop placed over pill bug-infested garden beds seems to be keeping them happy right now.
Have a scratchy day...bok-bok-bok!

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